School projects
One of my passions is promoting science among school students. I started by organising a science club in the final year of my secondary school. Since then I actively collaborated with schools by running clubs and school research projects. I did most of the projects in the 2SLO Secondary School in Warsaw, where I teach Physics in IB Diploma Programme. Projects included for example constructing rockets, sending a high-altitude balloon to the stratosphere or developing computer simulations.
The most interesting project was supervising ArctowSky team, which took part in the CanSAT competition 2018/19 organised by the European Space Agency (CanSat website). We constructed a minisatellite, which was taking photos of the Earth’s surface, which were then used by an on-board neural network to create topographic maps of the terrain. Thanks to the hard work of six amazing student we successfully won the Polish CanSat competition and received an “Outstanding science mission” award on the European finals in Italy.

“Matematyka dla ciekawych świata” programme
Since 2017 I am organising a annual semester-long programme for ambitious secondary school students organised by Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modeling at the University of Warsaw. The programme is called “Matematyka dla Ciekawych Swiata” (in English “Mathematics for those curious about the world”).
It is focused on explaining advanced concepts, including infinity, cryptography and non-Euclidean geometries among others, via a series of popular maths lectures and tutorials. During the 2022 and 2023 edition of this programme I was running series of lectures on dynamic systems and their applications in epidemic models. You can find more about us at our website.

Other activities
During my academic years I was actively engaged in organising academic outreach programmes and public lectures.
During my studies in the University of Warsaw, I was leading the Student Physics Club outreach programme by organising experimental demonstrations and workshops in schools and on various science promoting events. Also, in years 2013-2018 I was running public lectures for schools the annual Warsaw Science Festival in the Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, on various topics, including cryptography, artificial intelligence and game theory.
In years 2020-2022, I was engaged in organising RI Masterclasses in the University of Bath. These are popular maths lectures organised annually in late winter/early spring for ambitious school students by different universities and academic institutions across UK. I also joined Bathematicians section to further promote science in the mathematical department in the University of Bath.